
Can a German Shepherd Beat a Coyote? (Explained)

Categorized as Sport & Exercise
can a German shepherd beat a coyote?

How many times have you seen a coyote or heard the story of an unsuspecting dog walking on the street and being attacked by a coyote? There are over three hundred thousand coyotes in North America. Many of these coyotes are in urban settings, but not all.

Have you ever tried to imagine what a coyote would do if they met up with a German shepherd dog?

Can a German Shepherd Beat a Coyote?

One on one, German Shepherds will probably win the fight, but a wild coyote pack can be overwhelming. German Shepherd dogs have one major advantage over coyotes: they are larger and maybe stronger. Their stature is a huge help when it comes to intimidating other animals and even humans, but will it help them fight off a group of hungry coyotes? Most likely not!

The chances of a lone coyote picking a fight with a German shepherd are slim to none. Coyotes are opportunistic hunters and will not attack anything that is larger than they are.

Coyote packs tend to hunt smaller animals than German shepherds. They will typically target and kill pets for their next meal, especially cats and small dogs. The only time a pack of coyotes turns their attention to big dog breeds like a German shepherd is when they feel threatened and have no other option.

If they do decide to target a dog as large as a German shepherd dog breed, they will use teamwork to bring it down. They are not strong enough to kill a fully grown German shepherd by themselves. Still, when working in a pack, they might be able to subdue it long enough to pull the weakest member of the pack away from their defense and bite hard on the stomach or rear end until the dog weakens enough to where they can drag it away.

Although on paper, German Shepherds seem like the obvious winner when it comes to a fight between a coyote and a German shepherd dog, in reality, there are many factors that can compromise a German shepherd’s ability to win.

What are The Key Factors that Will Determine The Outcome of The Fight?

Here are four key factors that will determine the outcome of a fight between a coyote and a German shepherd:

1. Experience

If your German shepherd has been trained to guard and protect your family, home, and property, it will have a higher chance of surviving an attack. A dog that has been trained to fight off threats knows how to use its body strength in ways the canine was not taught. It also learns when and where aggression is required for survival.

On the other hand, a German shepherd dog that has been conditioned to be a pet dog for their whole life – not to fight for survival – will have a difficult time if they are ever placed in a situation where they need to protect themselves. Dogs that are not trained to fight off threats and have no experience dealing with dangerous animals will be more likely to panic during an attack.

2. Age

If your German shepherd is old, chances are they have not had the chance to defend themselves in a long time. Their ability to fight and survive an attack will be compromised. An older German shepherd may not possess the strength and agility needed to escape from danger if they ever come into contact with a coyote.

3. Health

If your German shepherd is suffering from physical ailments, their chance of survival will be diminished. Even though a healthy German shepherd may have the strength needed to defend themselves, this strength may be compromised if the animal suffers from a chronic illness. Physical ailments like arthritis or hip dysplasia can predispose your German shepherd to injury, thereby leaving them vulnerable to an attack that will lead to their death.

Psychological ailments like depression or stress can also compromise your German shepherd’s ability to fight off an attack because it affects their mental state during the encounter. A stressed-out dog will not have the initiative or strength needed to fight back against an attacker.

4. Weight and Strength

The larger your German shepherd, the better chance you have of it surviving a fight with a pack of coyotes. A full-grown German shepherd that has been well-fed and exercised by their owner will have more strength needed to fight off a coyote.

A German shepherd that is underweight or overweight will be more vulnerable to an attack because it will have less strength needed to fight off a coyote. Also, a German shepherd that doesn’t get enough exercise will have lower stamina and a reduced chance of survival.

So can a German shepherd kill a coyote?

Yes, but it all depends on the factors listed above. The bottom line is that if a German shepherd has been trained to fight for its life and is experienced enough to stay calm during an attack, they are more likely to survive when placed in this type of situation.

How Do I Protect My Home from Coyote Attacks?

If you live in an area where coyotes are frequent visitors, there are several things you can do to protect your home and family.

1. Fenced Yard

The most basic way to protect your home from coyotes is by making it difficult for them to enter. You can achieve this by having a tall fence that encloses your yard. The fence should be close enough to the ground so that coyotes cannot crawl underneath.

Also read: What’s The Best Type of Fence for German Shepherds

2. Motion Lights

If you want an added layer of protection against coyotes, you can install motion lights outside your house. Once activated, the light will shine on any coyotes that have wandered too close. This will confuse and scare the coyote away and prevent it from sneaking up on your family or pets. Motion lights can be set to go on for a certain period of time and then shut off automatically.

3. Clean-up

If you want to keep coyotes out of your yard, make sure that no garbage or food is left behind. If a coyote smells leftover scraps from your family’s dinner, they may be tempted to investigate your property for an easy meal. Also, be aware of any fruit trees that are growing near in your yard because these are coyotes’ favorite sources of food.

4. Noise Maker

Another way to keep coyotes away from your home is by using noise-making devices, such as air horns and noisemakers that make loud sounds when activated. These devices can be placed in strategic areas around your house so that they startle a coyote if they get too close.

However, your neighbors may not be too happy if you keep using the noisemakers at night. So I would recommend trying the above methods first before turning to noisemakers.

5. Smell Repellents

Coyotes have a strong sense of smell, which is how they are able to find food in the first place. You can use this to your advantage by using strong-smelling repellents in areas where coyotes tend to roam. Some smells that repel coyotes include wolf urine, white vinegar, and cayenne/chili pepper.

Which Dog Can Kill a Coyote?

Central Asian Shepherd Dog

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog is a breed used for protecting livestock from predators like wolves and bears but can also be used to protect the home.

These dogs are large dogs that range around 88 to 110 pounds and 24 to 28 inches tall. These dogs are very agile and have a high level of stamina, which makes them effective in fighting off attacks from predators.

Pit Bulls

Pit Bull breed is one of the strongest dog breeds in terms of strength. Pit bulls can grow to weigh between 35 to 60 pounds and stand at 18 to 21 inches tall. Pit Bull dog breeds are the most commonly seen dogs used in dog fighting due to their sturdy build, aggressive personality, and loyal nature. This combination makes them an ideal contender to fight off large predators such as coyotes and wolves.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso is a large muscular dog breed that originated in Italy. There it was formerly used as a hunting dog. They are known to be fearless dogs that are very protective of their territory and masters.

Combine this breed’s aggressive nature with their large physique ( 85 – 110pounds, 23.5-27.5 inches in height), and you have one formidable defender capable of fighting off coyotes.

Illyrian Shepherd dog

Sarplaninac is a large dog breed originating from Šar Mountains region. It is a powerful, reliable guardian breed that has been used to guard livestock. With its combination of size 66 – 99pounds and 23 – 24 inches) and strength, this dog is known for being quite formidable when fighting off predators like coyotes and wolves.

Pyrenean Mountain dog

This is a large breed that dates back to the times of Caesar. This dog breed was developed to aid people of the Pyrenees Mountains region by defending them against predators such as wild boars.

Considering their large stature (121 – 165 pounds, 32-40.5 inches), strength, and the harsh environment they were bred in, this dog is a formidable opponent to any predator that dares to cross its path.

Have You Ever Heard of Coyote German Shepherd Mix?

The Coyote German Shepherd is a hybrid dog that is not recognized by any breed standard. They are the result of breeding a German Shepherd with a coyote. Some called this dog Coydog which refers to the hybrid dog between a coyote.

The Coyote German Shepherd is a hybrid that resulted from the accidental breeding of a coyote and a German shepherd. It’s known as an accidental crossbreed, which explains why they are rarely seen, and it is considered a rarity to see them in the wild.

A few breeders might have tried to breed this mixed dog to create a more aggressive guard dog. But many experts warn against this practice since the dogs are often unpredictable in temperament and behavior.

Final Thoughts

The conclusion is that coyotes can’t beat a German shepherd dog because they are typically smaller and more opportunistic hunters for their next meal. Coyotes are also not strong enough to kill a fully grown German shepherd by themselves. In a pack, they might be able to subdue the dog long enough to drag it away and kill it later.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it helpful and useful as you raise and train your German Shepherd.

Here are some of my favorite reviews for German Shepherd supplies that I personally use and recommend. If you do decide to purchase them, please remember that I’ll earn a small commission which helps me maintain this website.

By Andrew Garf

Andrew Garf has loved dogs, especially German Shepherds, since he was 10 years old. Though he also loves burgers, training dogs is his real passion. That's why he created the website TrainYourGSD.com - to help dog owners learn how to properly train, care for, and bond with their German Shepherd dogs.