
Do German Shepherd Puppies Sleep a Lot? (Explained)

Categorized as German Shepherd Puppy
Do German shepherd puppies sleep a lot

German Shepherd puppies are among the most adorable animals on earth – and they’re not shy about telling you so. These little rascals have a lot of energy, which is why many people ask if German Shepherds sleep a lot. This article discusses how much German Shepherd puppies sleep and what factors may influence their sleeping habits.

Do German Shepherd Puppies Sleep a Lot?

The answer to this question is yes, German shepherd puppies sleep a lot. They typically sleep between 18 and 20 hours a day. This amount of sleep is not only limited to the German shepherd breed. Most puppies of different dog breeds sleep a lot.

Why Does My German Shepherd Puppy Sleep a Lot?

The reason young puppies sleep so much is that they need to develop their brains, muscles, and bones properly. At this stage, they’re growing quickly, which makes it vitally important for them to get adequate rest and sleep every day.

Inside their brains, there are millions of connections being formed between brain cells. These connections will help your GSD puppy learn and proceed with many new things, including basic information such as their names and commands. In addition, their nervous system is being built, which will help them respond to senses and actions around them and coordinate movements.

Inside their bodies, their muscles are developing strength and mass. Their bones are developing, and their immune system is being strengthened, protecting them from foreign invaders such as bacteria and viruses.

All of these things happen while they sleep, so it’s important to let your new puppy rest and recover.

What Factors Affect Your German Shepherd Puppy’s Sleep Quality?


Diet can play a big role in the quality of your German shepherd puppy’s sleep. If you give your puppy too much dog food or the wrong kind of food, this can affect their ability to rest well and stay healthy.

Remember that German shepherds are very active dogs, and they need plenty of energy to support their high activity levels. Their diet should be adequate to provide them with the nutrients they need for growth, development, exercise, and activity.

Any dog food that does not meet these criteria is a poor choice. It may make your puppy restless, which can prevent normal sleep patterns from taking place. Your dog may also suffer poor health or even illness as a result.

Proper nutrition is the foundation of good canine health, and that includes proper sleep habits too!

Also read: Best Dog Food for German Shepherds

Sleeping Environment

When your puppy is sleeping, they can’t tell you what’s bothering them. That makes it a little difficult to know if their sleeping area is comfortable enough.

The best way to determine if their sleeping environment is adequate and appropriate for them is to observe your puppy’s behavior. A comfortable and happy dog will sleep easily, lie down comfortably, and be easy to wake up. On the other hand, a dog that isn’t comfortable or isn’t feeling well may toss and turn while laying down, whine to get someone’s attention or wake up frequently.

If you’re concerned about your puppy’s behavior while sleeping, consider adjusting their bedding or finding an alternative sleeping area.


Just like adults, puppies need to release their energy. By playing with your puppy, you’ll not only help them stay healthy and happy, but you’ll also know when your puppy needs to rest by the way they act afterward.

If your puppy is having difficulty sleeping after playtime because they are hyper or worn out, this may mean they need more time to relax. If your puppy is sleeping well after playtime but still tired and fatigued the next day, this may mean they don’t get enough rest or get too much exercise.

Health Issues

Puppy health is a very important factor that can affect the amount of sleep your puppy gets. Ill dogs tend to be restless and have trouble staying asleep for long periods of time. They may even wake up frequently during their rest periods.

If you think there could be a problem with your dog, visit your vet immediately or schedule an appointment for a check-up.

Stress and Anxiety

In extreme cases, a dog may experience high amounts of stress and anxiety if left alone too often or for long periods of time. This can make them uncomfortable while sleeping, which prevents them from getting quality rest. They may even be unable to fall asleep at all!

Tips for Helping Your German Shepherd Puppy Sleep Soundly?

Do Not Disturb Your Puppy If They Are Sleeping

Try to keep your puppy’s sleeping area quiet and peaceful so that they can rest comfortably. If you have a noisy pet or a noisy household, try placing your puppy in an area where they can get some peace and quiet.

Resist the temptation to cuddle or let your puppy fall asleep in your lap. Dogs need to learn how to rest on their own, so make sure your German shepherd puppy can do this by letting them sleep alone.

Show your puppy where they can sleep

Your puppy will need to learn where they are allowed to sleep: a crate, a bed, or a quiet place in your house. If your puppy tries to sleep in an area where they are not allowed, gently guide them back to a place where they can rest and reward their good behavior.

Don’t Let Your Puppy Get Overtired

Too much exercise or play can make your puppy hyper and restless, which will prevent them from getting a good night’s sleep. Whenever you see your puppy getting tired, bring their playtime to an end and guide them to their sleeping area.

Adjust The Temperature in Your House

If you have a German shepherd puppy that is sensitive to heat or cold, it’s important to adjust your home’s temperature accordingly.

Create A Puppy’s Sleep Schedule

If your puppy knows when it’s time to sleep, they will be able to rest more easily. Start by establishing a routine for them, and try to stick with this schedule as closely as possible so that your dog can sleep like clockwork.

Make Their Crate Inviting

Once your puppy settles down for a nap, they should stay there until it’s time to wake up. If they need help to get comfortable, provide them with an old blanket or something else that will make their crate more “homey.” A good bed can make all the difference. Choose a soft and warm bed that is the right size for your German shepherd puppy.

Also, be sure that you remove anything from their sleeping area that could cause harm to them while they sleep, such as loose wires or anything else that may cause them to be anxious.

Be Prepared for Interruptions

Just like human babies, there are many things that can interrupt your puppy’s sleep. For example, your GSD puppy may wake up for a potty break. Be patient and be prepared to respond to your puppy immediately.

Where Should My Puppy Sleep?

Although it is tempting to allow our new puppy to snuggle up with us in our bed, this is not the best sleeping arrangement for a growing puppy. Allowing your puppy to sleep with you can make it a learned habit that is very hard to break. Instead of allowing them into our bed, they need to learn to sleep on their own.

A crate or small room is the best place to let your puppy rest on their own. Don’t give in if your puppy whines, barks, or howls when you first put them in their crate. They may whine or bark for a few minutes. If you give in to their demands right away, it is more likely that they’ll continue protesting the next time you try to put them to their bed.

German Shepherd Sleep Problems

Sleep deprivation can affect your puppy’s health in a number of ways. It weakens their immune system, making them vulnerable to diseases and infections that would otherwise have little effect on them.

When your puppy is kept awake too long or gets interrupted while they’re trying to sleep, it has a serious effect on their mental health, making them irritable and lethargic. They may even become more aggressive. This can make life very difficult for you as an owner.

Here are 4 common types of sleep disorders in German shepherds that you should be aware of:

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious disorder in dogs where they temporarily disrupt the dog’s airway for 10 to 20 seconds while they’re asleep. As a result of these constant sleep interruptions, your puppy won’t get any proper rest.

This sleep disorder typically affects obese dogs and flat-faced breeds like English Bulldogs and Pugs. Loud, chronic snoring is the most common symptom of this disorder.


This sleep disorder is usually genetic and primarily affects young dogs. Narcoleptic dogs will collapse and fall asleep suddenly and unexpectedly. This often happens during excitement or after a period of physical activity.

This sleep disorder is not life-threatening, but it does make your puppy lethargic and clumsy. Unfortunately, there is no cure for narcolepsy, but you can help control it by removing any triggers that seem to set off the attacks.


Insomnia is quite rare in dogs and is usually a sign of another underlying health problem. The best way to find out what is causing your puppy’s insomnia is to consult a veterinarian.

Your vet will be able to diagnose your puppy and determine what is causing your puppy’s insomnia.

REM Behavior Disorder

This disorder causes your puppy to do very physically active things while they’re in the dream cycle of sleep. It is not uncommon for a dog with REM behavior disorder to run, jump, bark, or howl. Since this type of behavior often causes injury to your puppy and may even damage property, there are many owners that consider it a serious problem.

Should You Wake Up Your Puppy for Potty Breaks?

Young puppies aged 4 months or younger don’t have the bladder control of adult dogs. As a result, they may need to be woken up for potty breaks at night. As your puppy grows older, their bladder should develop to the point that they can hold it until morning.

Can a German Shepherd Puppy Sleep Outside?

German shepherd puppies can sleep outside, but not until they are old enough to handle the weather (around 4 – 6 months of age). Puppies that are still too young won’t be able to regulate their body temperature properly and may get too cold or too hot.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you found it helpful and useful as you raise and train your German Shepherd.

Here are some of my favorite reviews for German Shepherd supplies that I personally use and recommend. If you do decide to purchase them, please remember that I’ll earn a small commission which helps me maintain this website.

By Andrew Garf

Andrew Garf has loved dogs, especially German Shepherds, since he was 10 years old. Though he also loves burgers, training dogs is his real passion. That's why he created the website TrainYourGSD.com - to help dog owners learn how to properly train, care for, and bond with their German Shepherd dogs.