
Can Dogs Eat Edamame? Read This Warning First!

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can dogs eat edamame

You’re snacking on some edamame while watching TV with your dog when she starts looking at you longingly. You know that she wants some, but is it safe for her to eat?

Here’s a quick answer:

Plain edamame beans are non-toxic for dogs, but feeding your dog edamame or soy on a regular basis is not recommended. Dogs that eat edamame or soy can develop allergies to these proteins.

In this article, we will explore what edamame is, where it comes from, how to prepare it for your dog, and some recipes to try out.

What Is Edamame, And Where Does It Come From?

What is edamame? Let me break it down for you. It’s a soybean that is harvested prematurely while it’s still green. It’s a popular snack in Japan and China but can also be used in recipes.

Edamame is said to be an immature form of soybeans. In some traditions, edamame pods are boiled in salt water and served as a snack or light meal. In Japanese cuisine, it is boiled in the pod and served whole. In other countries, it is more often shelled and steamed or eaten raw.

You can buy it in most grocery stores, either with or without salt added. You can also buy them fresh from some farmers’ markets. It makes a great snack to share with your dog; whether you serve it straight out of the pod, add it to soups, salads, and side dishes.

Can Dogs Eat Edamame, and Are There Any Risks Associated With Doing So?

While there have been no reports of adverse effects from feeding dogs edamame, veterinarians generally do not recommend soy products as a regular part of a dog’s diet as soy can cause allergic reactions in some dogs.

Beyond allergic reactions, some vets have expressed their concerns about feeding dogs soy-based foods, stating that there are some nutrients in soybeans that may affect a dog’s health, including their reproductive health, thyroid, and liver.

Another thing to consider is the pods. While the pods themselves are not toxic and won’t cause allergic reactions, they are a little difficult to digest. Large dogs will likely not have any trouble digesting the pods, but they can be a choking hazard for small dogs and puppies.

As if all of this isn’t enough to make you say “no edamame for my dog,” there is one more thing to consider: edamame is high in fiber. Although some fiber in a dog’s diet is good for them, too much fiber can lead to an upset stomach.

To be safe, if you are considering serving your dog edamame, you should introduce it slowly into your pet’s diet and observe for any changes in behavior or health over the next few days.

If your dog experiences diarrhea, vomiting, or other negative side effects after eating edamame, stop feeding it to them immediately.

What Are the Health Benefits of Edamame?

Although dogs can’t eat edamame as a regular part of their diet, it still has some health benefits that they can enjoy.

Edamame is a nutritional powerhouse containing a plethora of awesome vitamins and minerals. It’s low in calories and high in protein, calcium, omega 3, fiber, and vitamin C.


Protein is the building block of life, and it’s no different for dogs. Your best friend needs protein to help build strong muscles, repair tissue, and produce energy. Protein also helps keep them feeling full after eating, which can help with weight control.


Dogs need calcium for their bones, just like humans do. But unlike humans, dogs can’t just go out and get a glass of milk if they’re feeling a little low on calcium. No, dogs have to rely on other methods to get their calcium fixed.

Methods such as eating edamame beans. Yes, that’s right: your dog can benefit from the many health benefits of edamame by eating the occasional pod or two.

Omega 3

Dogs need omega 3 for their brains. They need it to help with cognitive function, memory, and learning. Basically, they need it to remember where they buried the bones.

But seriously, omega 3 is important for dogs. It helps keep their skin healthy and coats shiny. It also reduces inflammation and can improve joint health.


Write a humorous paragraph about why dogs need fiberDogs need fiber to help regulate their digestive tract. It can aid in digestion, prevent constipation, and be useful in canine diabetes management.

Vitamin C

Dogs need vitamin C to help their immune system function properly. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps fight off infection and disease, especially in dogs with low immune systems like senior dogs, young puppies, or sickly dogs. Healthy dogs also benefit from vitamin C because it boosts collagen production, which is great for the skin.

How Much Edamame Can a Dog Eat in One Sitting?

There is no set amount of edamame that your dog should eat. But because edamame can have some negative side effects for dogs, it’s best to serve them in moderation.

The number of edamame beans your dog may eat in one sitting is going to depend on a few factors, but generally, most vets recommend not giving more than three pods per day, providing your dog doesn’t develop any negative side effects, and they really enjoy it.

The first thing you should consider when feeding your dog edamame is their size. Obviously, you’re not going to give a Chihuahua the same amount of edamame as they would a Great Dane.

Smaller dogs are more likely to have a negative reaction to edamame than bigger dogs, so it’s best to stick with small portions, preferable one bean per day per a couple of days until you’re sure they’re able to tolerate the beans.

The second thing to consider is your dog’s tolerance. If you’re introducing edamame to your dog for the first time, try only giving them one pod at a time. If they don’t have any negative reactions, you can try feeding them two the next time.

Last but not least, you want to consider your dog’s age. Senior dogs have weaker digestive systems, so I suggest giving them no more than one pod per day to make sure they can digest it properly.

How To Prepare and Cook Edamame for Your Dogs?

Now you know what edamame is and the many health benefits of edamame for your dog. So how do you prepare it for your dogs? Here are the four main ways you can prepare it for your dogs.


If you’re looking for an easy way to serve edamame to your dogs, the raw option is the easiest. All you have to do is remove it from its pods and drop the beans into your dog’s dish or feed it to them as a snack.

Not only the easiest option, but it’s also the healthiest way to prepare edamame for your dog. Some people might be inclined to add salt or other seasonings, thinking it’ll make the edamame taste better for their dog. But it’s best not to load up on salt and other spices because it might upset their stomach.

But that’s the wrong way to go about it. The healthiest way to prepare edamame is by serving it raw, without any salt or other seasonings.

Why? Because adding salt and other seasonings could cause a various list of health problems for your dog not, such as an upset stomach and diarrhea. And we don’t want that, now do we?


Freezing is another quick and easy way to prepare edamame for your dogs.

Dogs love crunchy treats, and what could be crunchier than frozen edamame beans? Simply remove them from their pods and freeze them for a few hours. Your dogs will love the added crunch to their diet.

Steamed or Cooked

The third way to prepare edamame is by steaming them.

You don’t have to steam or cook the edamame deliberately, but if you happen to steam edamame beans for dinners, you can make just a little bit extra for your dogs.

There is one warning that you must always adhere to when cooking edamame for your dogs. Don’t add salt, oil, or any other flavorings and seasonings. When it comes to cooking dogs, the less is more.

Mashed or Pureed

The fourth way to prepare edamame for your dogs is by mashing or pureeing it. You can use a masher or simply use a fork to mash it.

My Favorite Recipe That You Can Try at Home With Your Dog

Now that you know all about edamame and the various ways to prepare it for your dogs, it’s time to try out a recipe. And my favorite recipe is this Tuna Edamame Salad that is sure to make your dog’s mouth water.

You’ll Need:

  • 1 can 5 oz canned tuna packed in water, drained & flaked
  • 1/4 cup Carrots chopped/shredded
  • 1/4 cup Shelled ready-to-eat edamame soybeans (or cooked from frozen)
  • 1/4 cup Red bell pepper, diced Optional
  • 1/4 cup Cherry tomatoes diced
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1/8 tsp Kosher salt

Preparation time: 10 minutes. Serves two cups.


  1. Add the tuna, edamame, carrots, bell pepper, and cherry tomatoes together in a large bowl.
  2. Drizzle in the olive oil and mix well to combine all the ingredients with the dressing.
  3. Season with salt if desired. Make sure not to add too much salt because this will make the edamame less healthy.
  4. Serve immediately or store in an airtight container and refrigerate for later use. Make sure to only leave it in the fridge for up to a day maximum because you don’t want your dog eating spoiled food, right?


Edamame is a great source of protein for dogs and is low in fat. It’s also high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. While edamame is safe for most dogs, certain dogs may have an allergic reaction to it, so thread with caution. If you have any concerns, check with your vet before feeding edamame to your dog.

By Andrew Garf

Andrew Garf has loved dogs, especially German Shepherds, since he was 10 years old. Though he also loves burgers, training dogs is his real passion. That's why he created the website TrainYourGSD.com - to help dog owners learn how to properly train, care for, and bond with their German Shepherd dogs.